Saturday, May 19, 2012

Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival


Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival is back for the 9th times at Sentra Kelapa Gading area on May 12-27 2012. This year’s theme is INNOFASHION, a mix of two words Innovation and Fashion, an interpretation of national culture richness in the fashion and culinary industry with the touch of latest trend.

JFFF was first established in 2004, and ever since were annually held on May. JFFF was born out of the idealism pioneered by PT SUMMARECON AGUNG Tbk, with DKI Jakarta Government through Tourism Dept.

JFFF has been persistent with the event diversity and worked well with several partners like Indonesian Association of Fashion Enterpreneur Designers (APPMI), Association of Indonesian Fashion Enterpreneurs (IPMI), Rumah Pesona Kain, Asosiasi Agency Model dan Talenta Indonesia (AAMTI), MRA Media, Grup Martha Tilaar, ESMOD, Grup Kompas Gramedia, Fashion TV dan Metro TV. In additional many supporting media partners help JFFF to grow and expand.

Various activities like Fashion, Food, and Entertainment will be held for 16 days with the series of activity as follows:

Opening Night
The festival will begin with an extraordinary show Gading Nite Carnival on May 12, 2012, the pioneer in Nite Carnival in Indonesia taking the route circling Sentra Kelapa gading area. The theme is “WONDERLUSH” showcasing an exploration of natural resources and national culture. Visitors will be spoiled with hundreds of participants in collosal and grand costume followed by decorated car parade, street dancers, teather act, and attractive lighting , closed with a spectacular Fireworks.

Fashion Extravaganza
Following the Indonesia fashion industry growth JFFF tries to keep up with the elaboration to enhance the nation’s economy. Based on the thoughts, Fashion Extravaganza program offers collection with 4 categories:
  1. Indonesian label Designer, showcasing ready to wear collection of Indonesian top designers.
  2. Indonesian Exclusive Designer, showcasing masterpiece collection from Indonesian Top Designers
  3. Indonesian Fashion Brand, showcasing the best collection of national best brands
  4. International Fashion Brand, showcasing the best collection

Consistent with the trade show conept, JFFF presents Fashion Village, a trade show concept at Fashion Extravaganza, where designers will not only displaying through fashion shows but also area to display the works. This area embrace visitors to get the collection of their favorite designers easily with a chance to meet them in person. This year Fashion Village will be established at Mal Kelapa gading 3 Hallway.

For younger generation interested in fashion industry may reach through the modelling world with Gading Model Search (GMS), GMS Kids, Gading Fashion Enterpreneurship Awards (GFEA), and Gading Beauty Awards (GBA).

Appreciation to the names or institution considered meritorious and giving big contribution to the Indonesian Fashion Industry will be shown with the FASHION ICON AWARDs as the closing of the Fashion Extravaganza event.

Food Festival

Not only the fashion world, but also the culinary trend in Indonesia is also having rapid growth. Food is considered to be the basic inevitable needs. JFFF has become the facilitator to uphold the creativity in serving the dishes locally or globally and combining it with the image of Summarecon Kelapa Gading well known as ‘The cty of thousand food’. Therefore JFFF will bring out  series of culinary program like :

Kampoeng Tempo Doeloe (KTD) Piazza 11 May – 3 June 2012
This Local Delicacies party is always welcomed with big enthusiasm by the visitors and flocked by thouosands of visitors. This most-awaited festival succeeds to bring back the old childhood memories of local dishes whhish is hard to find these days. The retro situation of Jakarta – Batavia equipped the decoration this year. Taking the theme OUD BATAVIA, visitors may be delighted with all kinds of dishes and being entertained with colonial oranaments and historical. Adjusting the theme, many dishes from the colonial era will be served here, such as Klappertaart, Bitterballen, and Poffertjed. KTD is also consitent in presenting numerous local vendors like Empal gentong Putra Mang Darma, Tongseng Pak Budi, Kupat Tahu Magelang, Sate Padang Mak Syukur, Gado-Gado Direksi, Nasi Gudeg Bu Tjitro, Soto Bangkong, Kue Putu Bambu Medan, are some of the vendors you will see. Other than that, you will find traditinal snacks like Otak-otak Petojo, Rujak Juhi Bang Tata, Kerak Telor, Tahu Gejrot, tauge Goreng, Buah Lontar, and many more. These delicious dishes and snacks wll be combined with performance of several traditional games and traditional.

Wine & Cheese Expo – Multi Purpose Hall 11-27 May 2012
Aimed as a melting pot for local and international delicacies along to become a bridge of culural communication through the finest Wine and Cheese Expo from several countries like France, Australia, Argentine, Chile, and New Zealand. Many activities will involved Top Chef, wine tasting for the visitors, wine workshops, Pastry Chef Show, Cheese Discovery,  and Foodtography Competition.

Those are the activities at the 9th Jakarata Fashion 7 Food Festival “INNOFASHION”. Even though held regularly, there will always distinguished and unique items displayed every year. JFFF mission is strengthened with collaboration form several institution with different background but same goal, they are some local product with culture based may be appreciated by the society, domestic or foreign. As well as promoting Jakarta as one of tourism shopping destination like other big cities around the world.

Jakarta, April 2012
Public Relation JFFF
PT. Sunmmarecon Agung Tbk.
Telp (021) 453-1101
Fax (021)  453-3433

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